The Year of ________

By Sherri Savasta

2025 “The Year of ___ in Higher Education”

Can you fill in the blank? The answers are plentiful. Last year saw great challenges with the FAFSA rollout and new regulations, in addition to other major changes. Change obviously is inevitable and is not new to the world of Title IV student financial aid.

In reading recent articles about what’s next for this year, the following are a few of the topics that rise to the top.

1. Declining Enrollment Numbers & Possible Changes in International Enrollment

An article in the NASFAA International Educator titled “Combating the Enrollment Cliff” proffered the premise that international student recruitment may be a lifeline for U.S. institutions.

The article notes a projected 15 percent decline through 2026 for various reasons. An increase in international students may help, but it is definitely not a cure-all.

2. Increased Demand for Online Education

Are online offerings a partial solution? Possibly. It does minimize physical building resources on-site for colleges and universities and all the costs associated with it. However, underused buildings still can be major expense drains and breaking leases are costly too. Reduced on-site enrollment and the quest to augment online offerings have prompted institutions to explore consolidations and mergers to survive. Increased online population aligns itself naturally with online financial aid processing. The ability to provide students their tentative award letters with a valid Student Aid Index on an ISIR quickly can be the difference between a student selecting your institution versus another.

3. Cost and Financial Aid Considerations

Rising tuition costs and growing student loan debt continue. Institutions are exploring aid outside the Title IV realm and looking for options, such as more competitive scholarship opportunities. Also still in play is the focus on Workforce Alignment. Institutions will continue to adapt to program offerings that meet the needs of local high demand jobs.

Many financial aid offices cannot spare the time to research alternative aid sources to cover balances not covered by Title IV programs or research the new regulations about newer initiatives, such as Workforce Alignment scenarios. Using an online financial aid processing solution with Global includes our decades of knowledge and expertise and diligent attention to new aid program requirements. We've also served on focus groups with the Department of Education to share impacts of new initiatives on our clients, and we welcome every opportunity to participate in focus groups with the department.

In an article on January 1 in eCampus News, there were 32 predictions about where 2025 will take higher education. In this excerpt, Chief Operations Officer, Kelly Rogan with Ellucian, reflected:

“With financial pressures mounting, institutions are looking for ways to eliminate unnecessary costs by reusing existing systems and processes, making sure every dollar spent directly supports student success. Partnerships with organizations committed to long-term success will also be critical, as institutions seek trusted allies to navigate the evolving education landscape.”

The kaleidoscope of events above and factors affecting higher education institutions can add more stress to the operations of an already busy and overwhelmed financial aid office dynamic. At the end of the day, the following question remains: How do institutions do more or maintain at a minimum with less?

Global offers fully automated start-to-finish financial aid and remote processing solutions, as well as consulting options where you can explore a tailored solution for the area in need.

Our full-service processing solution supports enrollment growth and provides stability, consistency and compliance. Using our process yields:

  • 100% of Title IV files reviewed.
  • Access to all financial aid data 24/7.
  • Students complete an easy-to-navigate process on a mobile device, laptop or desktop and receive notifications by text or email.
  • Awards are provided to students faster. With a valid SAI on an ISIR, tentative awards can be produced and sent to the student. This can result in a quicker, stronger commitment to your institution.
  • Optimized cycle times for file review, award and Title IV accounting.
  • Global interprets regulations to ensure they are followed in software and procedures so clients are always in compliance. Global will be vigilant regarding any changes in international student visa polices that may be on the horizon as we are with all changes.
  • Fewer lines, calls and voicemails at your financial aid office, freeing up resources and allowing your team to spend more time with students.

To learn more, please reach out to Chesa Donovan, Global's Executive Director of Business Development, at 228.523.1797 with a text or call, email at or contact us at

Sherri Savasta is Global’s Director of Consulting. She has been with Global since 2006, bringing in-depth experience to financial aid processing solutions.