Institutional Eligibility Maintaining Institutional Eligibility Financial aid administrators updating their E-App will need to update all items, no matter the reason for the update.
Policies & Procedures Policies & Procedures for New Financial Aid Administrators Your written Policies & Procedures manual gives your team a day-to-day guide for compliance, operations and processes.
2025-2026 Verification Verification & Conflicting Information Verification groups, data items and selection methodology stay the same for 2025-2026. In addition, tax data transferred through FADDX is considered verified.
Consulting Services Excel Training Specific to Financial Aid Functions Excel saves time for tasks in the financial aid office and enhances your team’s proficiency. We can show you how.
Translating the New ISIR An applicant or parent can update Family Size on the FAFSA if information changes after a tax return is filed.
FAFSA Update The FAFSA: No Major Changes & a High Tax Data Match Most changes to the form for 2025-2026 improve instruction and guidance for applicants. Here's a recap of important FAFSA points for the new award year.
A New Year A Year in Review & a Year Ahead We survived the massive overhaul that was 2024-2025, and we're ready to process for our clients for the next award year. We believe the road ahead for 2025-2026 will be much better.
Due Diligence Due Diligence for Higher Education Institutions Global examines policies and procedures for institutional and student eligibility compliance using PPAs, ECARs, file samples and other documents from requested award years.
Consulting Services Technical Knowledge & Solutions Costs and availability of qualified staff have institutions working with a skeleton crew. Global’s Consulting solutions include regulatory guidance, unlimited calls and questions about your process and a team with deep technical knowledge at your disposal.
2025-2026 FAFSA Preparing for 2025-2026 FAFSA Processing Positive signs about the 2025-2026 FAFSA process show a better year ahead.
Staffing Shortages Solutions for Staffing Shortages Half of the respondents in a NASFAA member survey in spring 2022 said they were operating at 75% staffing capacity for award years 2019-2020 and 2020-2021. Global can recommend an actionable plan for your financial aid office to help with staffing shortages.
Compliance Findings Compliance Findings & Solutions, Part 3 of 3 Global can help your postsecondary institution resolve compliance findings. Our mission is to provide colleges with timely, accurate and client-focused solutions.
Compliance Findings Compliance Findings & Resolutions, Part 2 of 3 Global’s Consulting support can help your postsecondary institution resolve compliance findings. Our mission is to provide colleges with timely, accurate and client-focused solutions.
Compliance Findings Compliance Findings & Resolutions, Part 1 of 3 Consulting support can help your institution resolve compliance findings. Our mission is to provide postsecondary institutions with timely, accurate and client-focused solutions.
Verification Verification in 2025-2026 The following outlines items to be verified in V1, V4 and V5 for the 2025-2026 award year.
Professional Judgments & FAFSA Simplification The Latest Guidance on Professional Judgments There are two types of Professional Judgments starting in 2024-2025. A student may have both types for the same award year.
Pell & Direct Loan Closeouts Pell & Direct Loan Closeouts In 2024, the closeout deadline for 2023-2024 Pell is September 30. The closeout deadline for Direct Loans for 2022-2023 is July 31.
Institutional Eligibility Reminders on New Regulations Effective July 1 The reporting deadline for Gainful Employment and Financial Value Transparency has been pushed back as new regulations take effect.
2023-2024 Deadlines for Processing All new electronic applications must be received and accepted by CPS by June 30, 2024, without exception. Corrections must be received no later than September 14, 2024.
Federal Tax Information & FAFSA Data Tax year, filing status, AGI and other information from the IRS for FAFSA filers now falls under Federal Tax Information and more stringent requirements under the IRS code.
NSLDS Issue Resulting in Post-Screening ISIRs About 8,200 ISIRs processed before April 7 for the 2024-2025 award year will be impacted by the issue with NSLDS that affected aggregate loan totals and limits. These ISIRs will be reprocessed later this year. ISIRs that have already been reprocessed are for the 2023-2024 award year.
FSA Conference 2023 Calculating a Federal Pell Grant In calculating Scheduled and Annual Awards for Pell, the Scheduled Award will be the maximum amount, and the Annual Award will be the Scheduled Award adjusted for enrollment intensity.
FSA Conference 2023 FAFSA Functionality in 3 Phases Normal processing times are expected to return after the launch of the new 2024-2025 FAFSA.
2024-2025 Verification Verification in 2024-2025 V1, V4 and V5 will need to be verified in the 2024-2025 award year. Here are the details needed for verification groups.
FAFSA Simplification A Recap of Changes to PJs Changes to well-known PJ terms that defined a student’s circumstances have already been implemented under FAFSA Simplification. Requirements for institutions have changed too.