Fall is Coming

Wait…this reminds me of a popular television show.

Photo by Peter Aschoff / Unsplash

Seriously, as we approach the traditional “peak time” of the year, I was thinking about how stressful it can be getting ready for the upcoming fall start. I wanted to explore five useful countermeasures to combat stress:

  • Start Your Day off Right – Start with a positive attitude, something healthy and nutritious, and some planning. This sounds impossible, but it can be done. When you do, the stress of starting your day will roll away.

  • Stay Organized – It’s simple, right? Planning ahead to stay organized will reduce your stress, especially organizing your time to avoid being late to work or rushing out at the end of the day.

  • Be Comfortable - Your physical discomfort at work adds to your stress level. Consider, you spend an excessive amount of working hours in a chair, what if that chair is uncomfortable? You are experiencing back and neck pain which makes you more reactive to stress. I vote you put in a P. O. for a new and comfortable chair, immediately!

  • Forget Multitasking – It’s an urban myth. It is the quickest way to frazzleville instead of maximizing your time. Imagine, taking a call and trying to make some complex calculations at the time, you are not speedy or accuracy in either task. Instead, trying using “chunking” method, you take individual pieces of information (chunks) and group them into larger ones. By grouping each piece into a large whole, you can improve the amount of information you can retain.

  • Walk at Lunch- This is a good way to blow off steam and manage stress by getting in some physical activity.

These are just a few strategies to reduce your stress. I cannot guarantee that all of the strategies will make the fall start less hectic, but you have to try something to make it manageable.